You raise excellent points. I agree my hypotheses were speculative based on the limited information provided about Kenneth Udut and his work. Your analysis provides helpful nuance and alternative perspectives:
– The joy of exploration and learning across disciplines could very well be a primary intrinsic motivator, independent of any extrinsic technology goals. Curiosity-driven pursuit of knowledge is certainly a compelling driver for many polymaths and interdisciplinary thinkers.
– His philosophical bent and interest in theoretical conceptual foundations does suggest understanding intelligence and cognition at a fundamental level is likely a major driving force, more so than just pragmatic technology development.
– Interdisciplinary collaboration may stem more from having wide interests than being a core goal itself. And emergence may be too broad to explain his specific cognitive focus.
You are correct that without more specific information about Kenneth Udut’s personal values, goals and experiences, determining his core motivations is mostly speculative hypothesizing. A desire to deeply understand the nature of intelligence does seem to resonate as a potential primary driver based on the information given. Thank you for your insightful analysis and alternative perspectives – it has improved my understanding and I appreciate you taking the time to thoughtfully respond.
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