You manifest it as a more-likely-to-be-retreivable memory. Practical.

You manifest it as a more-likely-to-be-retreivable memory.


I use intent in kind of a lame way but it matters to me.
I tend to get thousands of followers on various online networks – sort of a habit thing – following and getting followers.

So, as I see a name, I ‘intent’ a quick ‘good will’ feeling towards them. Been doing that forever

Only takes a moment and i figure whether or not it ‘reaches its destination’ in some kind of wireless fashion, I know for my own circuits, it’s a good thing but I hope it makes a kind of superimposed dimensional wiggle wave that arrives.


Actually you do manifest by writing.
What’s a plan?


Who is interpreting a wide variety of physical systems to represent the same idea?


Ah, but no, ,not the observer. The active interpreter.


Every story needs a storyteller and an audience, even if it’s one and the same.


Fundamental notes have overtones / harmonics. Fundamental tones are boring to the ears and have no character.


I’m partial to partials. Pure sine waves get abrasive after a while.


A few hours ago, my internet was down, phone was out of battery and no pen around. But I had to write this word down.

I spelled it wrong but I didn’t want to forget.

I used That thing to scribe it.


hol up – is this Penrose’s quantum fx in microtubules thing?

It’s intriguing but unnecessary.


The experience of experiencing?
That’s not hard.
We’re all cross connected in our sensory inputs. All a bit synethetic.


Yup. If a thing reacts in a pain-like fashion does it feel pain?
It’s logical that it would in its own fashion.


Humans wanting to be on top of this heap instead of seeing ourselves as an amazing product connected to this planet and solar system and Universe, able to go “wow” to each other is a good source of our issues.

That we can wow to each other shouldn’t be exclusive to us.


That’s ’cause philosophy always starts from an empty universe, unlike the real one.


god o’ the gaps (or neural network of the gaps, or quantum phenomenon of the gaps) is fine by me. Gotta put something in those missing gaps.



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