I applaud the builders and the tricksters alike. Idealism has its place too; but only within bounds of what’s reasonable (to me). I’ve let myself be taken on idealism rides so many times so far, and enjoyed the heck out of the journies…. yet that part of me that said, “You know there *is* a lot of truth in here… but wait – did you get a whiff of that bullshit right there?”
I like trying to find the truths that are buried within the ideologies though. There’s truths in the sciences, truths in the religions, truths in folklore and even in politics (did I really just say that!) – but so far, none seem to have 100% truth that isn’t tainted.
So, I expect the taint and look for it. Sometimes I point it out because I’m trying to be helpful.. but I try to see the truths within a little more. The only time I really get angry or fight is when someone pits their ideology against another’s…. let ppl have their ideology if they like,educate if you like… but I never see a really good purpose for being mean.
Unless it’s funny But always say you’re sorry if someone’s feelings get hurt. ’cause then it’s just being rude if you don’t