“Absolute Elsewhere”
A clip from the BBC Horizon episode, “It’s About Time” (1979)
Terms I haven’t heard in a long time : “Absolute Elsewhere” and “Chronons”, ‘grains of sand’ styled particlewaves of Time.
Theoretical Physics moves in various directions at any given reference period but has tendencies that are often only noticeable in looking back. It’s fascinating for me to see this because “the times” do change the directions we pursue even thought we often don’t see it happening when “in the now”. This is why looking at different nows matters as you can get glimpses of the futures that could have been, those that are in the realm of neverwas, yet remain in the realm of the possiblycoulds.
Another name for the Absolute Elsewhere would be the unknown unknowns, which some gladly say are unknowable but I’d rather not predict that.