Yes that is a fine answer!
The aspect of ontology that I tend to follow is rooted in computer science and databases and lifts the ideas from the philosophical ontology
So the categories of things that exist, their types and their relationships are flipped up to the top for me, because my answers to whether something exists and what is the nature of the world is absolutely beyond me and so even though I study that, I am also comfortable leaving it into the hands of the deeper philosophers and scientists for theoretical physics and to the spiritual and religious and theologians
This gets me in trouble frequently with people who only know ontology from philosophy as I’m sometimes not bothering with those deeper harder questions whereas there is that is where they are
Nevertheless, this leaves me free to see more arbitrary connection between words and now I have a fascinating field upon which to study because:
It’s not arbitrary because there are groups of people and individuals who connect these words in such a different ways and it’s not words but Concepts and what are the concepts but organized in ontologies that are existing in these fields of worldviews and ideologies
And different worldviews and ideologies can use the same words and similar gists that aren’t quite the same and have very different implications because of their different Roots which are not based upon a singular notion of a singular reality that we must discover through ontological study but rather what I guess they call epistemology? I’m not sure.
That becomes a rabbit hole of its own so I’ve been focusing on the one that’s been confusing me it feels like something I can tackle which is words and religions basically
Different styles of music with different instruments timbres and notes that are playing simultaneously yet are all waves propagating in mediums for the vibration of human ear drums
Now I will put what I just wrote right after I woke up without any thought, fresh brain still remembering it earlier Night’s Dream that was surprisingly action packed dramatic and surprisingly terrifying which is unusual for me – people having to close their eyes traveling on trains going through a field of planes that had exploded and with blood everywhere, caused by Mischief maker who had been trying to break into his high school to start off a chain of events with the audio system that would cause reverberations that would destroy the school building from the inside and was unsuccessful the other seven times in the dream he tried but this last time it was so successful that it destroyed things high and low and far away unleashing exactly what he wanted but far more than he expected – and the simultaneous experience of traveling through field of exploded bloody crashed planes around me on a train moving loudly and slowly through as children and adults are crying and closing their eyes as I did too in the dream just listening to the people talking and horrified and knowing what they are traveling through at the same time while also knowing I was the cause he had having a lucid dreaming presence to know that that was not me and that this was a dream while I was dreaming which unterrifies the dream while it unfolds will make for an addition facet of this which I wrote intending for you only while also knowing that I will put it all into chatgpt 3 and also 4 to see it’s reaction as I hope I get a response from you primarily as you are the reason I responded while also knowing I’m traveling through a field of AI chatbots while I’m facing and not avoiding and rather enjoying, and how it could tie together and how these compendiums of human knowledge strapped together by Markov chains unfolding will handle this too, maybe even Bard?
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