why friends matter

Oh! I suggest saving good compliments. I think INFPs LIVE off of good “Ego strokes” (ego stokes? I dunno what they’re called) and one day I said, “You know what? I’ll just pretend I’m going to actually write, THAT BOOK THAT WILL SAVE HUMANITY.

Not weird at all! I don’t think there’s any topic that’s weird. SOMEBODY out there is obsessed over any topic humanity could POSSIBLY think of. I find it perfectly normal tongue emoticon

Weird to me is people who spend their energies conforming to what they perceive to be ‘norms’, only to get older and see the bullshit in it and that they wasted decades trying to please what they THOUGHT other people wanted from them, until they realized, that very few people actually cared, with the exception of their friends and supporters tongue emoticon

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