I thought about getting one of those touch pads. They seem like the closest thing to an instrument I’ve dreamed of since I was a kid. Setting up the sounds would be annoying, as when I write stuff in my head, the instruments are all over the place, and often they’re instruments that just don’t exist in reality.
I guess the shit in my head is typically the “Epic music” category along with some absurdism… I don’t take myself seriously yet I also take myself way too seriously simultaneously.
I’ve got raps in my head too; public speaking teacher once called me “white rapper” (mid 90s, Gangsta rap era), as we had to stand up and give an impromptu speech. I hated it, but I came up with a rhyming thing using objects in the room and it was kinda fun.
I think I would’ve loved growing up in a neighborhood where kids rapped with each other. That would’ve been fun. I’m also a child-of-the-80s and had to wait ’til Aerosmith did the RunDMC thing to FINALLY see a caucasian accepting rap; before that it was entirely forbidden fruit for whites. It’s _WAY_ better now.