what’s equivalent to “parallel play” in the adult world? ChatGPT to the rescue:
Here are some examples of parallel activities that adults may engage in:
– Working in a coffee shop alongside others without interacting or socializing
– Sitting next to someone at a movie theater and watching the movie without talking
– Attending a concert or live performance and enjoying the music alongside others without communicating
– Shopping in a store or mall alongside others without socializing or interacting
– Sitting in a waiting room at a doctor’s office or other appointment alongside others without speaking
– Exercising on cardio equipment at a gym alongside others without talking or socializing
– Participating in an online chat room or forum alongside others without direct communication
– Using a shared workspace or co-working space alongside others without collaborating or socializing
– Standing in line at a store or other venue alongside others without communicating
– Waiting for public transportation alongside others without socializing or interacting
– Hiking or walking in a park alongside others without talking or socializing
– Sitting in a library or study area alongside others without communicating or socializing
– Eating alone in a restaurant or cafe alongside others without interacting or socializing
These are just a few examples of parallel activities that adults may engage in. Parallel activity can be a way for individuals to be around others without feeling obligated to interact or socialize.
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