It’s very difficult to detangle one’s own cultural myths from one’s self. I’ve been engaging at it for some time… and it’s REALLY amazing (and somewhat disheartening at times) to “see” the script you’ve been reading off of for a lifetime.
I accept some of them when I find them, but not until after analyzing them thoroughly for flaws. One I accepted the ‘gist’ of is the whole “inner child” things. ‘we’re a world full of children rolepaying that forgot they were just playing” idea. I’ve been saying that at LEAST since I was a teenager.. .and it was only recently that I discovered the source of the concept and I was like, MEH THAT WAS MY IDEA DANG IT. But of course, it wasn’t.
I’m ok with it though and I’m glad to know where it comes from, so that I can recognize my own biases. Along similar lines, “Scripts People Play” was some self-help pop psych thing that sat in the bathroom when I was growing up. Anyway, I must’ve read and absorbed it because it became a way of how I see things. Relates well to Campbell, roleplaying, “Life is but a stage” [get some shakespeare in there, although it’s likely _he_ didn’t come up with it either]… I mean this stuff goes WAY back and we just keep rewriting for new times, thinking it’s brand new.
I try to focus on my own myths; and even _this_ – the self-analysis-as-way-of-truth, the Introspection – is a part of a long tradition that I’m simply following. What of me is me? Well even if I’m an amalgam, I’m still me 😛