Attempting to neutral is important. I don’t believe that a belief-free system is _possible_ entirely, for embedded within decision-systems are sets of assumptions.
Still though, it’s useful to try. There’s the American Pragmatist in me. “useful”.
For myself, I found it helpful to start with myself. What are my biases? Where did they come from? Does “current me” agree with the biases I was taught or do “I” (whatever that may be as it were), diverge from those biases. If so, how?
What do I accept? What do I reject? What am I putting aside for a later time?
I’m hoping to achieve a sense of authenticity which is reflected in my every action and statement, at least, as much as is possible.
With a firm grounding, my hypothesis goes, I can fight any fight that I consider to be “good”, lead others (if I _have to_.. I don’t want to be a leader) and, in the end, feel no sense of artificiality or internal conflict because I’ve investigated my ‘self’ as deeply as possible and I understand enough of where the “me” comes from and diverges from my sources, that I have have a sense of concreteness to my every word/action/deed/etc.