well I don’t know if it was visualize but more analogy wise rather or metaphor-wise… Growing up, in my sci-fi mind, I modernized / fictionalized every biblical thing i came across. So, the visitation of Moses on Mt Tabor (was it Mt Tabor? Been a while – or was that ascension?) was a higher dimensional being whose intersection with our universe came off as a form of radiation that left Moses glowing but not dying, the bush burning but not burning. And oh, my creative little brain had a lot of fun with Ezekiel’s wheels within wheels vision and who was it that flew to the sun in a fiery chariot? I don’t remember now. Probably fed into it was that my grandmother read Edgar Cayce, was open minded to ancient aliens, and was a big fan of Joseph Campbell “Power of Myth”, so I’m sure I absorbed a lot of that as well while going to Sunday School. Everybody was sure I’d be a minister growing up. actually, yeah, I did visualize. Very vivid colorful mind. Still have it

well I don’t know if it was visualize but more analogy wise rather or metaphor-wise…
Growing up, in my sci-fi mind, I modernized / fictionalized every biblical thing i came across.
So, the visitation of Moses on Mt Tabor (was it Mt Tabor? Been a while – or was that ascension?) was a higher dimensional being whose intersection with our universe came off as a form of radiation that left Moses glowing but not dying, the bush burning but not burning.
And oh, my creative little brain had a lot of fun with Ezekiel’s wheels within wheels vision and who was it that flew to the sun in a fiery chariot? I don’t remember now.
Probably fed into it was that my grandmother read Edgar Cayce, was open minded to ancient aliens, and was a big fan of Joseph Campbell “Power of Myth”, so I’m sure I absorbed a lot of that as well while going to Sunday School.
Everybody was sure I’d be a minister growing up.
actually, yeah, I did visualize. Very vivid colorful mind. Still have it

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