“us woman don’t wanna work no more” is a suburban white man’s attempt at sounding like what they think black women from “da hood” sounds like who they imagine would rather collect money from the government etc etc “us woman don’t wanna work no more” is a suburban white man’s attempt at sounding like what they think black women from “da hood” sounds like who they imagine would rather collect money from the government etc etc

“us woman don’t wanna work no more” is a suburban white man’s attempt at sounding like what they think black women from “da hood” sounds like who they imagine would rather collect money from the government etc etc

I’m talking about the meme maker who decided to chose THOSE WORDS to put on a meme that was pretending to be left-wing.
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Of course I know white people who talk exactly that way; I was talking about the creator of the meme and the meme-sphere on the internet and what expectations each memetic culture has for itself



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