Two or three counties in Florida were badly compromised by Russian hackers in 2016 and 2018. But, it’s Republican majority (51% but it’s enough) so nothing went further. But at least independent data scientists still exist and advise so there’s that, even if for political reasons their information is ignored.

Two or three counties in Florida were badly compromised by Russian hackers in 2016 and 2018. But, it’s Republican majority (51% but it’s enough) so nothing went further.

But at least independent data scientists still exist and advise so there’s that, even if for political reasons their information is ignored.

But it’s politically a no-no to talk about Russian bots anymore.

I’m glad the Gov Desantis admitted to two of the counties hacked. He claims the FBI swore him to secrecy about which counties but I’m in doubt about that.

Independent investigations say it’s more like four counties. But at least knowing that two out of fifty counties were hacked with certainty by Russian agents in the 2016 election and admitted by the current gov (who was elected in 2018), is something.

All those years of denial was getting annoying.


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