Trump town hall was a sham. Trump was not newsworthy there. There was no need for it. It was silliness and it apparently showed. It was a weird attempt at a rehab piece for Trump and CNN alike and failed for both of them. It’s not like we have ANY problem finding out what Trump says. We have so many media outlets, and a single person hosting a question and answer session with Trump for no particular reason that was discernable didn’t make sense at the time

Trump town hall was a sham. Trump was not newsworthy there. There was no need for it. It was silliness and it apparently showed.
It was a weird attempt at a rehab piece for Trump and CNN alike and failed for both of them. It’s not like we have ANY problem finding out what Trump says. We have so many media outlets, and a single person hosting a question and answer session with Trump for no particular reason that was discernable didn’t make sense at the time

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