Ah, basic Christian theology helps here. [I’m agnostic at present but well versed thanks to past affiliations]:
“God is love” as a concept didn’t begin in its current form until the concept of the Trinity also emerged. Father, Son, Holy Spirit. Three quarks. Gravity traits of few-bodied systems. That trinity ring thing. The Efimov State http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Efimov_state – you get the idea.
Anyway, in that rendering, until a single choice was made, there was no center, just perfect harmony and all that stuff.
[ps – the graphic for the Efimov state is from me – I was pretty proud of that graphic – Wikipedia liked it so it stays – and its’ animated too tongue emoticon ]
Anyway, that’s the basic conceptualization of a Truine God concept.
Eastern Orthodox Christian conceptualizations of God doesn’t have a “he” – but rather a “beyond gender” status,and our words attempting to explain the inexplicable are necessarily incomplete and mapped to humanly comprehensible terms.
2000 years of theology; they’ve thought of all these things. I was only involved for 5 years but learned a lot.
It’s analogies. Some say “Nothing”. Some say “Randomness”. Some say “God”. Some say “Uncertainty”.
Some conceptualization of a God are personal, some impersonal, some knowing, some unknowning, some permiating all of existance, some like a mad scientist playing with a toy [most anti-religion conceptualizations of God see God that way]… and so, in the end, it all depends.
But to me, they’re all analogous forms. Pick the word that suits. It’s just a word.
Kenneth Udut Michael Howard I prefer absurdism to nihlism anyday tongue emoticon
Agreed. I can happily analogize everything I say to a baby.
There’s a baby being conceived (thoughts are “concepts” – Conceived – 18th century bad science) in my head and it’s shitting out my words because I’m full of shit and I’ve got piss for brains. I’m ok with that. tongue emoticon
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