too much spook and mystery in theoretical physics – its for the inspiration of the public but its hardly science

All true. However, I think there’s FAR TOO MUCH spook and mystery around QM (perhaps to assist in beefing up budgets to support a 20 year failed string theory program… they got used to the money they’ve been getting)…

and it’s been shown and many of the supposedly unique qm features are quite commonly found in the macroverse. Water, turbulence systems just among physical systems…. and mind you, I’m not knocking just the “ooh the level down there is _so special_” is a fiddle ttheoretical physics has been playing for a very very long time now.

It’s NOT. A few bits, yeah. But a lot of it can analogize perfectly well to macroscope concepts. I just wish they’re stop turning quantum stuff into a religion.. I mean the genie is out of the bottle and it’s far too late… but if I see ONE MORE thing that talks about “spooky” and “quantum” in the same breath.. and it comes from one of the spokespeople for Increased Funding for Theoretical Physics [and not .. um.. AI, or BIOLOGY… or.. other sciences].. I’m gonna hurl.

they’ve been dominating the public eye … talking.. while other sciences are… I dunno.. sciencing.

Theoretical physics is the religious leader of the sciences.

Think about: The rest of the sciences are considered … boring.
If you take away theoretical physics, what do we lose? The imagination of the public.
Yet, all of the science remains intact. Regular physics stays intact.
There’s no verification required in theoretical physics. They can say.. whatever. Stick some math at it. “here you go. Universe is math everybody”. You can prove anything with math. That’s why it’s so powerful. *sigh*. I’ll shush. I’m stepping on toes.

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