John Lepouras THANK YOU! I knew _somewhere_ out there this concept was illustrated artistically already and, just a quick perusal through a few frames and a few words, I can see this is just what I was looking for.
I’ll give it a proper analysis later on, but I’m grabbing the video (I love Flashgot for Firefox), and saving the relevant section. The influx of Anime culture over the past three decades has had a transformational effect on Western Civilization and I’m really glad. Mine is more Doctor Who inspired (I didn’t see a future in Anime in the 80s, when it was called Japanmation… although I loved the little of it we had back then – Star Blazers (Yamato) was transformational for me during a summer – it played when I was … [looking it up] .. 8 yrs old – 1980! OMG )
Anyway, after my mind-blown moment just now.. thank you for the clip – it’s just what I needed to express the concept to those who get bored my long words sometimes (tl;dr is a response I get sometimes)