This is where having common ideologies shines. Religions, ideologies, common purposes, even common fear, helps orient a group to follow common rules which establishes orderliness, which allows for organizing to function. Even if an organization desires a chaotic state, some common “it’s go-time” can function as an action rule. So does a high IQ management team have in common? Likely a sense of ownership over some desired aspect of the organization. “This is my territory” and possibly “This is my territory and not your territory”.

This is where having common ideologies shines.
Religions, ideologies, common purposes, even common fear, helps orient a group to follow common rules which establishes orderliness, which allows for organizing to function.
Even if an organization desires a chaotic state, some common “it’s go-time” can function as an action rule.
So does a high IQ management team have in common? Likely a sense of ownership over some desired aspect of the organization. “This is my territory” and possibly “This is my territory and not your territory”.
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