This is the internet. There is only the USA here and only white suburban males between an age range I deem as similar to my own are online. Anybody else is an anomaly.
That is how things work on the internet right? Everybody’s American by default?
I thought you were being rather soft and gentle. I didn’t notice any asshole or bluntness in you. But I’ve been online a long time so maybe I’ve seen more.
I was making a joke. Have you not encountered people who begin talking about American politics as if everybody is in America? Or are shocked to find someone in their conversation group is female — or non-white?
I was making a joke. Have you not encountered people who begin talking about American politics as if everybody is in America? Or are shocked to find someone in their conversation group is female — or non-white?
My 6 year old ne was enjoying a Roblox song that repeatedly says fgot. It’s typical child behavior and occasionally acceptable in adult male circles of a certain class.
The predictability is amusing – and I can trigger it in many ways.
What your irony needs is more layers. Obvious irony is obvious.
I know what “the boys” is. But that was never my thing, even in boy scouts, not in the “band of brothers” way. I was usually in a position of authority OVER others, whether in school or boy scouts or church or whatever.
So in that position, it’s a bit lonely and you don’t get “the boys” experience but you do know how to call shots, how to do diplomacy and how to get things accomplished, at the cost of not being one of the boys snickering in the back of the class.
You’re speaking a foreign language. These strange hierarchies of men that loom above, under and around you, all with categories and characteristics. I’m sure it gives your life meaning and purpose. You know your place in it and it all makes logical sense.
Perhaps I’m autistic or lack empathy. I test as low empathy so that’s likely. But, I watch as you continually attempt to read my mind, to guess how I’m feeling. It’s all strange. It’s rare that anybody is correct when they try – and it’s usually women who try to “know what I’m thinking” but occasionally men, such as yourself, also try.
But it’s fascinating to watch.
It’s true. I have both the genes for low-oxytocin, test as low-empathy, so things like “band of brothers”, “one of the boys”, which requires empathy, hugginess, touchy caring feelies, …
..well, I kind of lack that stuff. I’m a bit of a robot.
It’s why I didn’t mind doing leadership work. If it needed doing, I Just did it. It’s not difficult.
I don’t like it – I’d rather not. But you do what needs doing sometimes in life.
It’s more a case of being able to turn empathy off when I need to. It’s not not there, I just get an on-off switch.
I’ve learned a lot of empathy through the years though. I could always read the mood of a room or interpersonal dynamics, but couldn’t read individuals one-on-one. Now I can read individuals in person better.
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