They’re not being enforced for everybody. It’s selective. One man in charge who is deciding these things because there is no one else who is authorized to do so at this point in time. Just one man. You may _like_ what you see more but it doesn’t take away from the fact that one man is deciding alone these things.

They’re not being enforced for everybody.
It’s selective.
One man in charge who is deciding these things because there is no one else who is authorized to do so at this point in time. Just one man.
You may _like_ what you see more but it doesn’t take away from the fact that one man is deciding alone these things.
 It would not matter if it was: “Hey guys I dusted off a forgotten rule to justify my action” or “hey guys I decided to make a new rule”.
It’s the “Hey guys, I”.
Yes. HE brought in HIS people from HIS companies.
Loyalty. One man in charge. No differing opinions unless they’re differing opinions he finds acceptable as differing opinions.
No conflict unless it’s conflict he finds acceptable.
Buck stops with one man.
Show me otherwise.
One man literally owns it. It’s no longer a private company that’s publicly traded on the stock market.
It went off the market the very next day. Everybody will get their shares. Twitter is dead. One man’s private company now, however he decides to internally structure it.
It’s actually X now if i remember right, with Twitter as just a name now. They did one of those “X 1 buys Twitter, to be put under X2, X 1 closes, making Twitter under X 2 now, rendering Twitter impotent as a company
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