These videos (and they know it) play on American ignorance of the state of technology around the world.

The photographers and storymakers are likely from São Paulo – their level of technical prowess is ASTOUNDING – we used them back in the late 90s/early 00s when I worked for BIG PHARMA (yes, yes I did – Schering-Plough when it existed)- and I made a lot of Portuguese friends on Orkut and learned a few brazilian things to say as well.

These videos (and they know it) play on American ignorance of the state of technology around the world. They also make _really_ gruesome horror movies. Film students from Brazil. They know we’re suckers. tongue emoticon

Hypothesis: Local Newspaper in Itajuba would report the incident.
Method of data collection: Find local newspaper. Do a search.
Searched for anaconda.
No mention of the incident.

We’re on the same Internet.
It’s like the largest public library in the world.
A single source of evidence is never enough, including my search, but my rule of thumb holds: If it’s SHOCKING, there’s a good chance that its made up to get clicks. Called CLICKBAIT

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