there was never any library. There were never any books.

Indeed, and focusing my data mining on _myself_ alone, and treating myself as both object and subject is a lot of fun because who else gets to decide right or wrong? Me tongue emoticon

Never had the stamina for book writing. the writings I’ve collected so far are – it’s like writing a series of books that are in a library and having the books BLOW UP and scattered across the four corners of the earth and I’m collecting the pages together in the order as I find them…


there was never any library.
There were never any books.
There’s no chapters.
There’s no subjects.
There’s no specifiable topics even.

So,… backwards. tongue emoticon

[I’m hoping it’ll ‘self-organize’ .. and, well, if I die suddenly, at least I’m published in a form. I *did* publish two books on Amazon just to see if I could do it… and they’re there… but that was to just get the I AM GOING TO WRITE THE BOOK TO CHANGE HUMANITY FOREVER out of my system by at least going through the process of publishing a book or two. And this way it didn’t break my heart in case it didn’t sell. I expected them not to sell] tongue emoticon

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