There are so many important lessons to be learned in this tragedy; if you want to save future lives, doing a post-mortem (after death) is crucial. It might mean some UNCOMFORTABLE TRUTHS about what people did that are no longer around. We can’t help their demise. But we can learn about ALL THE STEPS that led up to the demise so we can PREVENT others from demising in the same way. Honor them like any other dead but learn from what they did beforehand to prevent others from following in their footsteps or they’ll end up dead too.

There are so many important lessons to be learned in this tragedy; if you want to save future lives, doing a post-mortem (after death) is crucial.
It might mean some UNCOMFORTABLE TRUTHS about what people did that are no longer around.
We can’t help their demise.
But we can learn about ALL THE STEPS that led up to the demise so we can PREVENT others from demising in the same way.
Honor them like any other dead but learn from what they did beforehand to prevent others from following in their footsteps or they’ll end up dead too.

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