There are 1,000,000s of things happening at any moment on the planet. In leadership courses, which I’ve also taken, and leadership positions, which I’ve also been in, you have to know what’s within your area of concern and what is not.
For example, where I live, there’s Venezuelans EVERYWHERE. It’s a very common immigration hub. I live near Immokalee FL which is known to have a lot of undocumented workers and we had a supermarket open up last year that was ONLY Venezuelans working there – and part of me thinks they PROBABLY were using it to slide people in – mostly women – as they had way too many people working behind the deli area.
So lots of Venezuelans.
So then I hear about political theatrics hyping up things in an apartment building. Then I hear “oh look gangs in gang parts of new york are going gang things and NYPD is concerned.
and why is it being hyped up? Oh yeah, border complaining again.