then I can think of them as having worked for me. And I can say, “Thanks for writing my book for me.”

Here’s what I do when I get frustrated about expressing things I understand intuitively:
I look to see if _someone else_ wrote it already.
If they did, after I get over my moment of “HEY THAT WAS MY IDEA”, I smile and think, “Good, now I don’t *HAVE TO* write that book.

They did it for me.

Frees me up to other undiscovered (to me) territories. I still might write my ‘BOOK THAT WILL CHANGE EVERYTHING’ [because I have dreams of that book too] but it’s helpful for me to see the connectiveness of all people’s as a literal thing; and if someone else’s brainwaves happen to have formed in similar patterns to mine, and THEY happened to take the time to do the research, write the book, do the marketing, make the sales, get the popularity, and do ALL THAT HARD WORK…

.. then I can think of them as having worked for me. And I can say, “Thanks for writing my book for me.” It’s a weird way to look at things, but it gets me over that “omg that was my idea dang it” feeling, which I run into ALL of the time.

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