Philosophy is dead to non-philosophers.
The main proponents of Science _must_ declare Philosophy as dead and God as dead. It is the only way they can move forward.
Remove your opponents from the battlefield, and you are victorious. Art of War stuff.
The war is taking place on several fronts and they will likely win: A singular Philosophy, without objection (because there will be few philosophers to contest it), and a singular Religion without objection (for all others will be put in the fire).
Dramatic? Hyperbole on my part? Yes. But on a list of potential futures? Yes.
Not that it’s a bad thing; we NEED a new religion. But it should be honest about its nature. But philosophy should continue; otherwise a singular worldview will remain. And.. that’s never a good thing. It starts wars. It won’t be singular. No matter how hard people have tried through the thousands of years of recorded human history, we _do_ have freedom of thought. We always have.