The children are present and they have to fend for themselves in the social jungle.

I think the work that you are doing is fantastic. Were I born of different parents, at a different point in the timestream, I likely would be doing exactly what you’re doing.
For me, the things I do to make money _don’t_ correlate in the least with what I spent most of my time and activity doing, which is encouraging youth right where they are, on the Internet, to be themselves, have self-confidence, and be mentally strong and couragous, while being understanding of others, even the haters, for loneliness affects everyone… and someone who attacks others in blind sarcasm or even rage, is someone in need of a friend who is willing to put up with a little BS to eventually fix a human.

[anti-bullying and avoiding reverse-bullying (where “victim advocacy becomes bullying itself”) are some of the things I fight for.

I do it unofficially but out in the open. The lack of officialness gives me authenticity but I know in a different world, a different life, I would be doing this type of work as shown on this link. People say the children are the future and yes that’s true, but it’s far more than that.

The children are present and they have to fend for themselves in the social jungle. There no escaping the jungle but everybody needs a respite now and again and a few attaboys to keep them going, along with valuable life skills, coping skills, leadership skills and self-control skills, among other things… things we as adults have enough trouble with.

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