The ability to stop fighting when one recognizes there’s no one else fighting against them. That’s a sign of intelligence to me.

I suppose I have an additional criteria but it’s more of an emotional or social intelligence, if one wants to go with those terms:
The ability to stop fighting when one recognizes there’s no one else fighting against them. That’s a sign of intelligence to me. Not running away from a fight, but staying and recognizing they’re speaking to a human, not to a bunch of words or concepts presented.

My jokes? Well they’re either really nerdy-specific or toilet humor or bad puns and wordplay. Mostly bad puns and wordplay. I have a stupid sense of humor and I enjoy exercising it frequently. I prefer the groans of a crowd rather than laughter because they ‘got it’ – too well.. .so well they feel pained by it.

But my favorite of all is dry wit. Not sarcasm though. Sarcasm, as my ne described it when he was 8, is, “Saying the opposite of what you mean.” Perfect description of sarcasm. Gets old to me really fast. “Oh look, you meant one thing and said the opposite. Good for you” is what I think internally. smile emoticon

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