That’s law. Reality is harsher than law. The moment a doctor is going to do an abortion, SOMEBODY will get them fined and sue and it’ll be tied up in court while she’s pregnant.
and MAYBE the court will agree with what you quoted in the article. But by then, she’ll likely be a lot more pregnant and too late for an abortion anywhere. That’s how the game goes.
I’m not blaming the law for the rape. I’m blaming the legislators for putting a law into place that will further victimize a victim because of their fantasy about life.
The reason I am pro-choice is: a) it’s not my call because I can’t have a womb and b) there is only ONE PERSON there until they can be separated.
If the State wants to force the womb haver to produce a NEW CITIZEN they can tax, then they can remove it and raise it
As your choice, that is fine. But the Government forcing women to stay pregnant against their will is a much different situation.
Men opposed to abortion who are in positions of government or religious power want new voters or church members for tithing.
If men in power cared about babies for real, they’d support the mothers throughout their upbringing.
But they don’t. They’re lying and just want new votes or church membership rolls increased.
I’m sure some regular men believe in earnest and it’s not for having control over the woman’s body.
But I don’t believe a single pro-life politician or religious leader who is a man unless they’re supporting the whole mother/child and getting child support from the father if they run off.