The US Government and China both compete in providing aid to low income nations. The benefit to helping low-income nations is they get a “foot in the door” for future development. USAID is (was) the US arm. But China is directly competing – AND WINNING in this area. Africa for example, China has us beat in providing similar aid as USAID does. And we’ll lose because now by shutting USAID down, China gets it all because they were already winning.

The US Government and … [read full article]


Oh I know. Even Governorships. I looked into once: $500,000 is your ABSOLUTE BARE MINIMUM individual income you need to even CONSIDER running for public office as a Governor. So that’s not two -income but just yourself. And that’s poor for a politician. Expected income is at least $1,000,000/yr to run. Now this was in 2018. I learned about it because I wanted Andrew Gillium in Fl to win. He’s the only candidate I ever actually “got behind” (I liked his “Work shop 2.0” classes idea for high schools and finally taking down “Big Sugar” in Florida a notch or two). So that’s when I did my research “what does it take as a person to become governor?” and learned a lot of little things.

Oh I know. Even
[read full article]