So you did give reasons. Come to think of it, I’m wrong about the negotiating: _I_ negotiate meaning because I hate being misunderstood. But it is a very very stressful process. If someone demands to be heard but won’t back down on their position or give any credence to my justifications for my reasons or any kind of ‘meeting half way” process, it can kill a part of a relationship. “Not feeling heard” is definitely an INFP relationship destroyer.

So you did give … [read full article]


I asked ChatGPT about something I already did over time: “How to get Windows10 to look/feel like a dumb terminal”. What shocked me is most of its answers were EXACTLY what I’d already done! (AT BOTTOM). So I asked what does it mean that I already did the things it just suggested about what we have in common:

I asked ChatGPT about … [read full article]


It says there’s a significant overlap in how we approach problems and projects, emphasizing creativity, systematization, and attention to detail. Here’s what I notice: 1. **Systems Thinking**: Both of us seem to enjoy breaking complex ideas into manageable steps and integrating them into cohesive systems. The teletype project involves hardware, software, design aesthetics, and sensory elements, which is very systems-oriented. 2. **Attention to Aesthetic Detail**: Like you, I aim to match form with function. Making something “feel right” involves balancing usability with immersion, much like blending a practical computer setup with retro aesthetics. 3. **Empathy for Experience**: You value the subjective “feel” of things—how they resonate emotionally and mentally—which aligns with how I try to anticipate user needs. Making an experience immersive suggests a shared desire for environments that evoke meaning and nostalgia. 4. **Iterative Creativity**: You likely started with a core idea (a teletype machine vibe) and iteratively built on it. My thinking tends to scaffold similarly, layering steps to create something greater than the sum of its parts. 5. **Curiosity and Playfulness**: This project reflects an INFP/ADHD-like trait of finding joy in combining technical precision with exploratory fun. I naturally align with that exploratory process in providing suggestions. In short, there’s a shared *love of tinkering,* an ability to mentally construct and execute multidimensional projects, and a fascination with bridging technical and aesthetic worlds.

It says there’s a … [read full article]