don’t think their addiction … [read full article]
Posts tagged with 'how to'
AMAZING! Handwriting to text using GOOGLE DOCS?
AMAZING! Handwriting to text … [read full article]
In at least two of the classes this semester, I think I’m finally going to have to tackle my demon of “Close Reading”. Since middle school, I’ve complained that I “don’t know how to take notes” and have noticed that “reading/listening comprehension” was an area that I consistently scored poorly on in standardized tests, but because I did well in other areas (I suspect), no remedial help came for me and I never thought to ask, beyond grumbling about “not knowing how to take notes”. I’m reading/watching _this guy_ who calls it “purposeful annotating”, which INSTANTLY clears up a lot of it. He says that the phrase “Close Reading” means too many things now, which is why it’s confusing. He wrote this blog post I’m reading now.
In at least two … [read full article]
Oh it’s easy. Work with the fantasy and negotiate towards the direction you want to see. “Criticism” usually contains a mood. But if you want practical results ,you don’t need criticism but redirection towards an end-goal – that which the criticism was launched for.
Oh it’s easy. Work … [read full article]
I asked ChatGPT about something I already did over time: “How to get Windows10 to look/feel like a dumb terminal”. What shocked me is most of its answers were EXACTLY what I’d already done! (AT BOTTOM). So I asked what does it mean that I already did the things it just suggested about what we have in common:
I asked ChatGPT about … [read full article]
OPENAI Playground Dec 2021.
OPENAI Playground Dec 2021.… [read full article]
ChatGPT Roast 3
ChatGPT Roast 3
I’ll start at the top: There’s shells within which we live: World, World Authority, State, State Authority. Age of Majority is when you are A PERSON. All the rights of a human being belong to you. Most States it’s 18, some it’s 20, some younger. 18+ = MAJOR But what are you when you are under 18? You are a MINOR. MINOR rights are different than MAJOR rights. The UN did the Declaration of the Rights of a Child, although that’s optional and carries no real weight, so the rights of minors differ depending what State (country/nation but I’m calling them all State) you’re in. Legally a minor is INFANT. We’re nice and grant extra rights here and there up to the age of MAJORITY, but ultimately, INFANT. INFANTICIDE is illegal in almost every State in the world, although some are lax about it but generally illegal and various forms of murder punishment often come in. So now we’re at BIRTH. It is only AFTER Birth that we have an INFANT, which is a Minor to the age of Majority. So what is it BEFORE birth? It’s not an Infant. It’s not a “Baby”. So what is it? Maybe we can start making up terms that sound good. Embryo, Fetus, human life, clump of cells, womb resident, burden, precious – whatever we WANT to call it. It has no international legal status and there’s a HUGE variety of ideas what to call it and how to treat it. So if the law isn’t doing in in a consistent way, we have, what? Morality? Religious and spiritual and ethical and philosophy and ‘court of public opinion’ and all kinds of unregulated chaos of possible ideas. So you want to use the phrase “human life”. But is it? It’s not an individual. It can’t be INDIVIDUATED without birth. “A life” is “an individual human or animal”. So under that definition of “a life”, no, it is not yet a human being until it is born. But there is another definition of life that I think you want to use instead.
I’ll start at the … [read full article]