Exactamundo. Data? What data? When I heard that one of the engineers for sure had shell access on Jan 31st, prior to Elon Musk being made an employee (which was on the Monday) and prior to two of the DOGE being made Treasury employees on Tuesday, which included read/WRITE/CHANGE access to several of the databases, I knew they got their backdoors in. So whatever closing of the barn door after the horses left that happened a few days later, Jan 31st they had anything they could have needed to get stuff in place. What kills me about this; it’s not just the front “website” which can be easily altered but the databases themselves – and any backups that might exist. These databases were ALWAYS under the TIGHTEST security, but “young SPARTANS” (as Musk referred to them as in a tweet” were “all they need” (in the same tweet) They got that power because that was their goal. We’ll never know all of what they did with it; if they’re super-smart they’ll make it APPEAR like everything’s a-ok. But did they copy all of that valuable once-in-a-lifetime data for themselves? Of course they did. Copying databases vs searching for “DEI GRANT” can be done simultaneously and invisibly, especially if you have shell access (to delete the entries in the log file). People who think I’m paranoid have to realize that he has done NOTHING to engender my trust – and any “what about Biden?” arguments are empty because this isn’t about politics. It’s about what the planet is saying about what’s happening right now: a coup. Right in front of us all. It’s gross and there’s no cleaning up from this, even if things are restored. “MOVE FAST AND BREAK THINGS” is the technique.

Exactamundo. Data? What data?… [read full article]


People have drank raw milk for thousands of years. Most live, some get sick. I wanted to ruffle a few feathers here because I know of at least 3 raw milk drinkers here. I’ve known lots of 1990s era hippie-types who started little commune-like business operations and drank raw milk from super-liberal colleges. None of them died from raw milk that I know of. They also aren’t online much ’cause they’re all “back to nature” stuff and think internet was a mistake. Pretty standard leftie stuff although I hear some conservative folks are talking the same way too now which is nice.

People have drank raw … [read full article]


Yes they do. I have at times. But here is the difference: When you have ALL OF IT, all at once, everything changes. Now you can GROUP-BY-TYPE. You can CATEGORIZE. You can MOVE GROUPS from one area to another. You can DENY-ALL from a category. It is not just a small window of data here. It is also with the addition of POWER and PERMISSION. Call centers have VERY LIMITED powers to do things for a good reason. Everybody can only do a few things. To be able to view ALL OF IT, from the TOP DOWN and ACT UPON the data that can affect millions with a simple change in the WHOLE DATABASE, it simply does not compare.

Yes they do. I … [read full article]


The US Government and China both compete in providing aid to low income nations. The benefit to helping low-income nations is they get a “foot in the door” for future development. USAID is (was) the US arm. But China is directly competing – AND WINNING in this area. Africa for example, China has us beat in providing similar aid as USAID does. And we’ll lose because now by shutting USAID down, China gets it all because they were already winning. https://philiproessler.net/research/competing-aid-regimes/

The US Government and … [read full article]


In this vision he also showed a little thing, the size of a hazel-nut in the palm of my hand, and it was as round as a ball. I looked at it with my mind’s eye and thought, “What can this be?” And the answer came to me, “It is all that is made.” I wondered how it could last, for it was so small I thought it might suddenly disappear. And the answer in my mind was, “It lasts and will last for ever because God loves it; and everything exists in the same way by the love of God.” – Julian of Norwich, 1343-1416, Norwich, England [Mysticism class. Having a difficult time with “bodily mysticism” with pain and stuff but Julian of Norwich seems to go back and forth easily; she’s apparently the most accessible of medieval Western Christian mystics and I can see why]

In this vision he … [read full article]


They were almost out the door. It’s a smart move and Trump should do the same in the same situation If you have 2500 people with six months left in their already long sentences they’ve served, they’re already upgraded to the most minimum security at home set up for three/four years, letting them go six months early is: a) saving them six months of $$$ on ankle bracelet rental (shit’s expensive) b) looks good c) statistically ok because all of the “security vetting” was done when the were released to their homes from prison years prior.

They were almost out … [read full article]