I stopped playing games in ’93. I was lucky enough to be a beta tester for the original D&D Never Winter Nights on ancient America Online (when it was called PC-Link). Tested it in ’89/90, got to beta test a few more PC games like Wolfenstein.. then decided, THERE’S NO FUTURE IN VIDEO GAMES and went into programming.
Good decision. No regrets. But I was TOTALLY wrong about video games. Still, it took them ’til the early 00’s to FINALLY come back to life.
Wasn’t ’til Minecraft that I took notice again. Everything up to them was variations of Wolfenstein to my eyes with improved graphics.
That means it was a…19 year lull in gaming for me.
Then again, I had to wait 15 years for Doctor Who to come back on the air. And I never expected it to. So I’m a lucky guy honestly.