I’m not superstitious. I’m excited about this concept I’m trying to explain accurately and succinctly because it is a concept I’ve been looking for verification for. This is an example, Seedy Johnson and Rosina Castles of the difference I’m speaking of with regards to causation and the problem with the formulation.
This showed up on my Feed, a nice happenstance that explains what I was talking about last night quite well.
Stables have changed to Eventing.
And, to use 1980s terminology, it’s indeed a “Rad Way” to see Time a self-emergent property of the interaction itself but not in a vague way but in a drawing in TOWARDS based upon its lack within.
Too much confusion has taken place over the choice of the ‘observe/observed’ words to help explain causality from a non-linear perspective. Instead these become magic words.
They’re not magic words, just like this message showing up on my notifications isn’t a magical phenomenon because of the significance it has for me.
It’s simply how things work. Not a stables but an -ing and more specifically a to-within embedding its lacks to the without and the within responding in-kind appropriately, resulting in information exchange (whether the information be chemicals, data, words, a balloon needing pressure regulation and after its membrane has been pierced by a pin, it brings-IN the entropy from the outer-system, creating its own Time-scale within which an event occurs – creating a very fast (from our perspective) Time but entirely appropriate from its perspective. No consciousness required.
Stables has changed its name to Eventing.
and yes, I know the original context of the notification. It’s a family friend who runs school for kids training them on horses. She wanted to emphasize the Eventing available at her location, rather than emphasizing a “nice place to keep horses sane.”
You know. Stable.