I use boredom as my cue. Once I get bored with procrastination, then it’s time to get it done.
Much easier because I don’t have that “unfinished” feeling.
Sometimes other people are my cue. Finished or not, they’re expecting results, so then, I do it for them. But if I’m doing it for myself? Boredom is my only clue.
Thanks 🙂 Yeah, sometimes when there’s no timeline, sitting allows creativity to flourish. That’s why boredom helps. Moment of boredom, then I’m like, “Ok, time to send out a product”.
Wait: I didn’t tell the whole truth.
I usually do things as a “speed challenge”.
that boosts productivity.
But most projects I send out results incrementally. A lot of my posts here are REALLY part of a long term project with an indefinite finish.
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