some hybrid ideas it came up with:
Philosophical fantasy: A story that explores abstract concepts and existential questions within a magical or fantastical world.
Surreal memoir: A personal narrative that uses dreamlike imagery and magical realism to convey the author’s inner thoughts and emotions.
Experimental science fiction: A science fiction story that employs non-traditional storytelling techniques and abstract imagery to explore futuristic concepts.
Spiritual travel writing: A travel narrative that delves into the spiritual traditions and beliefs of different cultures and communities.
Introspective horror: A horror story that delves deep into the psyche of its characters, exploring their innermost fears and anxieties.
Magical realism micro-fiction: Very short stories that employ magical realism to explore abstract themes and concepts.
Philosophical nature writing: Writing that uses natural settings and environmental themes to explore abstract concepts and philosophical questions.
Alternate history spiritual writing: Writing that explores the intersection of spiritual beliefs and alternate versions of history, imagining how different faiths might have shaped the course of human events.