solid state/biological; can’t depend on a quantum computer with only qubits available.

I like the scalar ball. thing is though, I’d go solid state rather than quantum computer for this. Well.. solid state/biological; can’t depend on a quantum computer with only qubits available.


Still, what number system? BASE10 and 2 get screwed when you start working with 7ths. I’d go with a computer that can handle fractions properly.


yeah me too. I was going to do theoretical physics; (Hampshire College) but the professor that was doing “Quantum mechanics for the myriad” was on sabbatical, so I ended up taking some child psychology courses instead. Glad I did too. Never finished college, never did quantum physics but this was back in 1990/1991…

…which means if I *did* pursue it as I’d planned at 17/18, I’d have been stuck doing STRING THEORY in the 90s and nothing else. ugh.


Oh you totally should! My knowledge is SO EMPTY in that area but I love light refraction and crystal patterns (how it affects light).

My stupid chemistry teacher SKIPPED crystals and told us he was skipping it because he never learned it. Whole chapter in chemistry book just SKIPPED. Pissed me off.

So yeah, learn it for me and teach me when you’ve got something.


what I mean is – perhaps what we’re measuring isn’t what’s there because we’re missing important internal causes that are currently ‘forbidden states’ – so I don’t mean fairy tale when I say fictional, I mean, “not quite so” – ie – I don’t want to say “What we’re seeing is an illusion” – but maybe like an optical illusion.


I can envision what you’re saying in my head. So we’re basically seeing is a projection pushed out via the expanded electron ‘shells’ [shooting out the nice photons for us to see and measure] – but what it’s sending us is kinda fictional when it comes down to it?


ah there yes. you said it better. Boy, I can think of a LOT of areas of the various sciences where they’re measuring the wrong attributes. ugh, my #1 complaint I think.


np Ryan. I know what it feels like to have awesome ideas and few able to understand and even FEWER of that already small set willing to give a serious listen.


That’s awesome Philip – my statistical abilities never progressed beyond advanced Excel tongue emoticon I understood everything you said conceptually, yet I couldn’t reproduce it myself.

Had some neural network experience in 1990/91 at school, and wrote the game-of-life thing using various languages, modifying it here and there, but never really progressed beyond, “I understand the concepts at play here and how they are working together and what they are doing” but only generalized knowledge.


always. and yes. I love multiple overlapping meanings. Puns.. my ne is 10.5 + he pretends to be beyond puns now, but I can’t stop making them. he just puts his head in his hands dramatically trying not to laugh, caught between loving and hating the torture, so I try to save it for a time when he’s being really serious for maximum effect.


But yeah – beyond word play, I think embedding multiply connected meanings in a phrase is a form of time travel because you’re forced to go into multiple dimensions at once to decipher it.


If you know pure facts, then you don’t know pure facts ’cause the first pure fact is that there’s no pure facts tongue emoticon



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