You’ve hit upon one of the topics that has the most fascination for me; concept mapping across perspectives, their matches, mismatches and their effects upon “miscommunication”.
I could whip out a hyphen. Socio-historico-linguistic analysis of superimposed subjective perspectives seen simultaneously within the 6 second window of cognitive “Now”. [my figurings have conscious ‘now’ starting at about 200ms and the next period beginning around 4-6 seconds, with a SLIGHT overlapping. Anything longer is amplications of the circuit… why we have to repeat the phone number several times… the phonological loop, etc].
Anyway.. that’s the kind of thing that fascinates me. How to maximize comprehension and be able to find the “perfect words” within a very short time that you are fairly certain the other party will entirely comprehend. [their agreement is optional of course tongue emoticon ]
Requires knowledge of various cultures, their histories, languages, but even more importantly a good understand of YOUR own culture, its history and the etymology and usage of its language and the development of such across time… PLUS your own biases… _and_ the biases you know of the party you’re communicating with; the ones unrelated to society, culture or language.
I’ve been working on this one subjectively for some time, taking notes and such. Learned lots. Still learning.
By the way, everything I said there, I just made it up. I’m always practicing finding perfect words, and in the moment of writing, “Socio-historico-linguistic analysis of superimposed subjective perspectives seen simultaneously within the 6 second window of cognitive “Now”… _really_ sounds like something doesn’t it?
Nope. Just make it up a moment ago as I was typing.
But I couldn’t figure out a better way to express it succinctly. I still have no idea what I’m doing moment to moment.. but try to ‘watch’ mysellf as I go along, just to find useful patterns of behavior whose repetition would benefit me in the future.