If it’s your neighbor, the easiest way is… social engineering.
It depends how tech saavy the neighbor is.
a) make friends with the neighbor
b) figure out where their router is
c) look at the bottom
d) take a quick pic, write it down or commit to memory.
Committing to memory is tricky but one trick is learn how to turn letters and numbers into words and write a quick story in your mind.
1=bun, 2=shoe, 3=tree, 4=door, etc. Make up your own or use someone else’s system.
same with letters. Doesn’t have to be alpha, bravo, charlie… it could be whatever works for you. Your own system is always better because you made it and you’ll memorize it better.
could be:
EGGS (e) on a TREE (3) FARTING (f) APPLES (a) in a LINE (9), FARTING (f) GRAPES (g).
Ok, maybe farting for F doesn’t work. But it puts a picture in your mind.
anyway – if they haven’t changed their Wifi password, you’re good.
Also, ppl store their passwords for things under the keyboard, in the top desk drawer, under their monitor, places like that.
These are extreme of course and yeah, they’re higher level techniques but they work. Just remember some people have security cameras and people are sometimes a whole lot smarter than they appear to be.
Cockiness is usually what does people in.
Short version: I don’t know any Android apps that do brute force password cracking.
Also, this is just info. I’m not suggesting you do any of these things. You can get this information just as easily online, I’m just passing it on for educational purposes only.
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