here’s some fantastic film schools in Sao paul and almost everything creepy/scary/over the top coming out of there is from one of their film schools [or rather from people who have the same kind of way of thinking]. They make it fuzzy and know that the rest of world are suckers and think of Brazil as backwards therefore not capable of sophisticated video productions, so they go viral more quickly than if it was filmed in the USA.
Sometimes they turn out to be true. I once didn’t believe a video I saw of a girl disappearing under the water in a video. Took some tracking down but I found the source materials, funeral stuff in the paper etc, confirming it.
But others weren’t. Google translate is very helpful as is tracking down dates and thinking logicaly. For example, if someone dies or missing, follow the paper or others to see when the funeral is, how the investigation is going, etc. If it’s just a “one time” story, it’s possible the paper is a spoof paper but being something we’re translateing it’s harder for us to tell than if we were native.