a) Find influential paper
b) Go down a chain of popular citings until something sounds interesting.
c) Try to understand at least a piece of something that’s way over my head.So, I ended up here. 260 pgs. I can’t read math symbols but sometimes I can gleam from text what something means.Introduction to Bisimulation and Coinduction
Davide Sangiorgi
Induction is a pervasive tool in computer science and mathematics for defining objects and reasoning on them. Coinduction is the dual of induction and as such it brings in quite different tools. Today, it is widely used in computer science, but also in other fields, including artificial intelligence, cognitive science, mathematics, modal logics, philosophy and physics. The best known instance of coinduction is bisimulation, mainly employed to define and prove equalities among potentially infinite objects: processes, streams, non-well-founded sets, etc. This book presents bisimulation and coinduction: the fundamental concepts and techniques and the duality with induction. Each chapter contains exercises and selected solutions, enabling students to connect theory with practice. A special emphasis is placed on bisimulation as a behavioural equivalence for processes. Thus the book serves as an introduction to models for expressing processes (such as process calculi) and to the associated techniques of operational and algebraic analysis.
That’s a sinking feeling when that happens, but I’m still grateful that at least me and the paper author/s rode together for a ways at least.