so in short, it _seems as if_ you might be a fan of Elon Musk and as I’ve lost friends over my critiques of him through the years – and learned not to criticize him on my main feed anymore as to not lose a few others – I have the opinion that people who are a fan of Musk _generally_ don’t care much for criticism of him and will demand a detailed account of every reason why I don’t care for something about him and to back up all claims with evidence, which they won’t believe when I’m done because I’d been down that road and learned not to try.

so in short, it _seems as if_ you might be a fan of Elon Musk and as I’ve lost friends over my critiques of him through the years – and learned not to criticize him on my main feed anymore as to not lose a few others – I have the opinion that people who are a fan of Musk _generally_ don’t care much for criticism of him and will demand a detailed account of every reason why I don’t care for something about him and to back up all claims with evidence, which they won’t believe when I’m done because I’d been down that road and learned not to try.

Any evidence I bring up will result in “he was clearly joking when he said that”.

I will not win this debate.

That you have yet to see _any_ legit arguments tells me you won’t with me either.
Not even one? Tells me you’ve decided where you stand and will not budge. If you had some signs of criticism already, I might have an ‘in’. But the barrier is solid here.
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