sliding scale vote from the first day of kindergarten for every position where somebody has authority over you age-appropriate, weight appropriate get accustomed to the idea of being taken seriously and opinions having weight as the years go on the votes matter more and more primarily for in school but also for neighborhood, city, county, state, region, federal very strict anonymity enforced at every level for maximum privacy this is to change society completely into a populous that is accustomed to voicing actionable opinion but more importantly retraining leaders to pay attention to more than just appearance and show Eventually all of those who were trained in a fully democricized school system and society positions not just political but also corporate, changing the ways that corporations deal with the people they serve instead of treating them like suckers thats one off the top of my head, subj to change.

sliding scale vote from the first day of kindergarten for every position where somebody has authority over you

age-appropriate, weight appropriate

get accustomed to the idea of being taken seriously and opinions having weight

as the years go on the votes matter more and more

primarily for in school but also for neighborhood, city, county, state, region, federal

very strict anonymity enforced at every level for maximum privacy

this is to change society completely into a populous that is accustomed to voicing actionable opinion but more importantly retraining leaders to pay attention to more than just appearance and show

Eventually all of those who were trained in a fully democricized school system and society positions not just political but also corporate, changing the ways that corporations deal with the people they serve instead of treating them like suckers

thats one off the top of my head, subj to change.

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