Since I can’t tell the difference between student and teacher, might as well superimpose.

I think in analogies and love wordplay, while I’m also always trying to get to a message that I need (which isn’t always the intent of the other person – mindreading’s not possible, so I try not to bother comprehending intent unless I must, plus I’m no good at it).

People say I go “off topic” a lot, but to me, topics are launching points for inspiration. I like being inspired and giving inspiration. I don’t want to do ALL the imagining for someone else; let their brains do some of the heavy lifting. And I treat everybody I come across as my teacher and student in one; I never know who needs something I’m gonna say, and I never know when I’m gonna learn something from somebody. Since I can’t tell the difference between student and teacher, might as well superimpose. Easier anyway.

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