short bio of Kenneth Udut for a philosophy and wisdom group


That’s me in 1983. Age 11. First computer at Christmas.

That’s one aspect of me. Always fighting for creativity, equality and against ageism. At 18, in 1990, early Internet, made a kid/teen rights discussion group that got pretty huge. Also the same boy taking that picture (age 14) dreamed of pocket sized information devices that would contain a library that you could type to people around the globe on. A few years later, came the Internet for me, and over the past few years, smartphones… so I got to watch all my dreams come true.

This is me today. Also, I used an AI to classify 9000 of my writings into the Dewey Decimal system to figure out what my perspectives are and what they aren’t. [my tendencies]. Introspection is important to me. I’ve done and do things to make money, but they’re not how I define myself. smile emoticon

Also, meet my brain on Dewey Decimal. The top two rows are things I like to talk about. [and I believe the AI – it’s a librarian’s tool used to classify academic writings, and it rang true with my analysis]- and anything in the bottom row I view from the perspective of one of the top two rows [the one at the bottom the AI did *not* pick up in any of my writings as subject matter]. From 000-999. You can’t read it – it’s huge. But it’s all there. That’s me. So, “Hi!” smile emoticon

Also I’ve made over 10,000 Vines (6 second videos) building people’s self-esteem, encouraging their creativity – a lot of working with kids and creative adults on there. Over 8800 followers tongue emoticon I also published a Thesaurus (on Amazon) which takes 103,000 words in English “out of context” to reveal patterns… something I want to do something more with _someday_ but I have too many current projects to go back to.

I also own several businesses, one of which is an animal trapping business for my brother – it pays the bills; and in the past I’ve been a computer programming, technician, systems analyst, among other things. Life’s never dull smile emoticon ]

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