That’s me in 1983. Age 11. First computer at Christmas.
That’s one aspect of me. Always fighting for creativity, equality and against ageism. At 18, in 1990, early Internet, made a kid/teen rights discussion group that got pretty huge. Also the same boy taking that picture (age 14) dreamed of pocket sized information devices that would contain a library that you could type to people around the globe on. A few years later, came the Internet for me, and over the past few years, smartphones… so I got to watch all my dreams come true.
This is me today. Also, I used an AI to classify 9000 of my writings into the Dewey Decimal system to figure out what my perspectives are and what they aren’t. [my tendencies]. Introspection is important to me. I’ve done and do things to make money, but they’re not how I define myself. smile emoticon
Also, meet my brain on Dewey Decimal. The top two rows are things I like to talk about. [and I believe the AI – it’s a librarian’s tool used to classify academic writings, and it rang true with my analysis]- and anything in the bottom row I view from the perspective of one of the top two rows [the one at the bottom the AI did *not* pick up in any of my writings as subject matter]. From 000-999. You can’t read it – it’s huge. But it’s all there. That’s me. So, “Hi!” smile emoticon
Also I’ve made over 10,000 Vines (6 second videos) building people’s self-esteem, encouraging their creativity – a lot of working with kids and creative adults on there. Over 8800 followers tongue emoticon I also published a Thesaurus (on Amazon) which takes 103,000 words in English “out of context” to reveal patterns… something I want to do something more with _someday_ but I have too many current projects to go back to.
I also own several businesses, one of which is an animal trapping business for my brother – it pays the bills; and in the past I’ve been a computer programming, technician, systems analyst, among other things. Life’s never dull smile emoticon ]