Shadows on the walls that resemble a form of me; can they actualize into a function from me?

Shadows on the walls that resemble a form of me; can they actualize into a function from me?

One more thing to share – I’d meant to bring. Notice Listening Comprehension. Right smack dab in the guessing range. I have a similar test from 6th and even one from 3rd – all showing precisely the same deficit.

I never really understood what that meant until a few years ago when I went on a quest to figure it out. I always assumed it had something to do with the “What is the best title of this story?” questions, which I’d always not know what to say or rather seeing all answers as equally valid and I believe that was part of it.

But part of it also snapped in when the Vocational Rehab counsellor was asking me questions and she hit upon one I’d never been asked before:

It was something along the lines of: Do you have difficulty understanding and following oral instruction?”

Something like that. Out of the blue I had an emotional reaction as nobody’d ever asked that directly and I had to answer “Yes”.

When the military promotional materials came around when I was 16 or so, my thought of joining the Navy or another branch (I’d have been technical) came up. Everybody has to put their preference down and even though I don’t like the idea of being out in water, I knew that being one of those guys working at the computers is something I could do. ”

But I gave it a total of 2 seconds thought and knew I couldn’t do it. And the reason is this one. I knew I would not be able to follow orders properly.

Imagine being given simple instructions and being unable to carry them out because you heard them wrong? And if repeated, you heard them a different way? And your commands had to be issued three or four times before it ‘clicked’? Nightmare scenario for the recruit, irritation for the commander I would think.

Listening Comprehension. I guess it’s a type of dysl  exia but in the brain? My mot her’s got dysle xia. My bro ther certainly has dyscal   culia.   Grand mother counted her steps everywhere she went to herself. Dunno if any of this might help. But I’ll leave it at that. Again, greatly appreciate today. There’s more I’d say these are the things that I neglected at our meeting that I think may (or may not) be useful for you.

The puzzle pieces are in your hands and I look forward to what comes out.

Shadows on the walls that resemble a form of me; can they actualize into a function from me?

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