School gives the adult world time to make money before the next generation takes it all from them. “Yeah, stay in school – saturate the market with PhD’s… while the money train goes ’round and round. I understand historical child labor laws and their necessity. But It bothers me that kids (by that I mean 9+) have to beg for money. I was lucky. In 3rd grade, I got a passbook savings account. By 11, I was able to get a basic checking account. By 13, I had a small job after school.
All that stuff is impossible now. I mean yes, there were abuses; adults laundering money through kid’s bank accounts.
But… meanwhile, because of a few jerks who used it as a loophole, millions of kids around the world have to beg parents for money.. even through their 20s and 30s (extended schooling) because they enter the financial world untrained and unarmed, screw up their credit (everybody does at 18-20, at least in the USA), then spend years fixing it, dependent upon parents longer and longer.
Ugh, sorry. It’s my rant. Kid’s need special protections but they don’t need to be isolated from the world they’re in, especially today with the Internet. Now alternate currencies have arisen, Steam, Roblox Robux, all tied into real money. So at least they have _something_ to work with. But still, it’s all ridiculousness. Oh well. I’ve been fighting for kids’ rights since I WAS a kid and even at 43, the same things piss me off as they did then.
The way the education system is setup.. I don’t even want to get started. But I’m not too worried ’cause GenZ will fix it when they’re finally old enough to be in positions of power. At least a _few_ will remember the freedoms they had young with the Internet and _expect_ the outer realities to reflect that. The changes will be organic and they’ll happen.