Over simplifying (not even “at risk of oversimplifying – I simply *am* oversimplifying) – Relevance logic, Kripke semantics using filtration to prove Finite Model Property. The filtration uses the surjective function (onto – a mapping) which leads to topography as fiber bundles in which a fibration (FIBRATION, not a FILTRATION) is a generalization of, itself typically (thought not necessarily) showing a weak equivalence which can be simplified to: :
I’m entirely no help because I *had* to leave the world of Logic [it’s not my language] and move closer to one I *do* speak a _little_ better which is topology. I understand the intuitive language of topology [ok, the pictures tongue emoticon ] (NOT the mathematics… I don’t speak math) far better than the language of Logic.
But as these systems are all mathematically based, it just becomes a translation issue smile emoticon
The short of is, two things that seem contradictory on the surface, aren’t contradictory at all. It’s like facing an enemy in battle and instead of going face-to-face, you dig a hole under the ground, travel to where the enemy is, and pull them underground with you, then you escape out of the hole and bury them inside, while having an helper that the enemy didn’t see, bury your original hole.
Seedy Johnson will likely, and more certainly _correctly_ tell me that I have it all wrong and that I introduced confusion unnecessarily. But heck, I think in analogies, not systems tongue emoticon