Reason in courts means “Reasonable Man”. Common Man. “What would the common man think”.

[thanks for not telling me to “shut up and let someone else talk” by the way… I *really* love a chance to express my opinions, knowing that I could easily be full of shit too. That’s what I love about forums – plenty of room for everybody to have a turn]

Reason in courts means “Reasonable Man”. Common Man. “What would the common man think”.

It’s based on a 17th (or 18th?) century concept of “Man = Rational”. It’s around the same time that “The brain is a womb” because studies of the brain structures resemble human organs… and words like, “concepts” came out. [conceiving ideas, birth of ideas, etc].

Reason = Logic is a newer notion and I believe it’s a conceptual transcription error. Reason in the courts is different from Reason = Formal Logic.

In English, we reuse words *a lot* for different overlapping concepts, often distinct concepts. One of the limitations of our language.

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